Июль-Декабрь 2020 — Заметка №13

Расшифровка подкаста с Charlie Songhurst — инвестором и бывшим head of strategy в Microsoft.

Самая интересная и главная мысль часового разговора про “Lessons from Investing in 483 Companies” проговаривается в самом начале. Речь про приоритеты своих пороков и добродетелей.

So, it’s a two part question, one is stack ranking the virtues: (1) working with people you like; (2) working on amazing problems; and (3) having impact. And then the three vices: (1) power, (2) money; and (3) fame. You can’t avoid them, but they have to be viewed separately. And it’s really trying to get at the differences between them. There’s no good answer, but there are definite good fit answers.

So, someone who’s interested in power tends to be better at execution. Someone’s more interested in money, tends to think more about some capital efficiency. I tend to avoid people interested in fame, but if you are doing something in showbiz, it would presumably be the number one criteria. If you think about the difference between impact, intellectual interest, working with people, you really get impression of where people are going to be happy and where they’re not going to be happy.

You also start to understand why certain organizations do so well. So, SpaceX if you think about it, stacks high on all three. It’s intellectually interesting. You’re working with amazing people. You have huge utilitarian impacts in the world. Whereas if you’re working at a FinTech, you’re less likely to survive that utilitarian positive impact.

A lot of people have negative utility from fame. A lot of people start with power and then when you push them it’s actually money but they don’t want to say it. This is more true outside of the US culture than it is in the US. It’s particularly true with Europeans. And so a lot of it is trying to get people to actually say what they truly believe, as opposed to say what they think they should say.

Это интересный взгляд — смотреть на свои желания от работы в разрезе пороков (деньги / власть / известность) и добродетелей (работа с людьми, которые нравятся / работать над крутыми проблемами / работать над вещами, которые имеют влияние на мир).